How open-source data can improve finance access for renewable energy projects

By the GET.invest and A2EI teams In order to provide affordable energy for all while taking urgent action to combat climate change, renewable energy projects will have to ramp up rapidly on a global scale. Access to financing is still the main challenge for off-grid solar distributors and developers, especially in emerging economies. The lack of comprehensive and user-friendly data on project performance poses one of the major obstacles to funding. Private investors and public donors alike will, rightfully, be hesitant to put their funds behind projects that cannot transparently disclose their track record and ongoing performance. While a range of data management platforms exist, these solutions are mostly product-, project- or country-specific, or they are proprietary. To fill this gap, the Access to Energy Institute (A2EI) and the European programme GET.invest, with the support of the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria, have partnered to develop the data pl...